What is Human Aura is a question frequently asked the student of occultism, and also by someone who has heard the term but who is unfamiliar with its meaning. Simple as the Question may seem, it is by no means easy to answer it plainly and clearly in a few words unless the hearer already has a general acquaintance with the subject of occult science.

The human aura may be described as a fine, ethereal radiation or emanation surrounding each and every living human being. It extends from two to three feet, in all directions, from the body. It assumes an oval shape–a great egg-shaped nebula surrounding the body on all sides for a distance of two or three feet. This aura is sometimes referred to, in ordinary terms, as the “psychic atmosphere” of a person, or as his “magnetic atmosphere.”

This atmosphere or aura is apparent to a large percentage of persons in the sense of the psychic awareness generally called “feeling,” though the term is not a clear one. The majority of persons are more or less aware of that subtle something about the personality of others which can be sensed or felt in a clear though unusual way when the other persons are nearby, even though they may be out of the range of the vision. Being outside of the ordinary range of the five senses, we are apt to feel that there is something queer or uncanny about these feelings of projected personality. But every person, deep in his heart, knows them to be realities and admits their effect upon his impressions regarding the persons from whom they emanate. Even small children, infants even, perceive this influence and respond to it in the matter of likes and dislikes.

The aura fills the space in which a person is placed.